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Covid 19



At UVAC we want to reduce the risk of COVID-19 for our staff, communities and members. 


Some of the things we have done to help reduce the threat and or spread are

Installed UV lights in most HVAC units,

UV lights is said to kill the virus, mold. allergens and other harmful contaminates found in the air.

We have purchased ULPA filters, they filter 10 times smaller particulate than a HIPA filter does. This is to help filter out the virus IF it ever is in the facility.

We Ozonate throughout the building nightly. It is a way of disinfecting the air.

We use a TIC (thermal imaging camera) and a wrist thermometer to check temperatures and masks of all members walking  into the gym with out having to point something at them. 

We have hand sanitizer many areas.

We have disinfectant cleaners with spray bottles everywhere. 

We clean multiple times daily

We clean hi touch items at least every half hour. 

We clean our HVAC ducts daily

We check staff members prior to every shift 

Face masks are required indoors at all times (strictly enforced)

We reduced occupancy in all rooms (when county allows us to be inside)

We have moved equipment outdoors with ample spacing

Pools have state of the art computer controllers

Indoor pool is a chlorine pool supplemented by a UVO3, it uses UV light and ozone to treat the water in the filters to make it as clean and safe as possible. 

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